I had already had some opinions on what each group did during the genocide and I thought I knew what they were going to say. AS the debate went on I learned that I was wrong about knowing what they were going to say, and I also learned that I had made some pretty false accusations of who was to blame.
I thought that the Rwandan Armed Forces had been good the whole time, because they pretty much stayed out of it. At the beginning of all this, I thought that the Tutsies were the ones that rebelled and were killing everyone, but little did I know, it was the Hutus. The RPF and the Interhamwe were the real culprits. I learned some other things that changed my mind on groups. I thought the UN had no idea what so ever about what was going on. They obviously had some clue, and the just didn’t want another Somalia situation to happen again. Some of my opinions stayed the same though. Paul Kigame and the President that got shot down are examples of groups that I had a consistant opinion on.
This debate helped me better understand the Rwandan Genocide, and I’m glad we had it, cause if we didn’t, I’d probably not understand a lot of things and still have false information in my mind.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Okay, I lied. Now that its Christmas time, I’m realizing that this is actually my favorite time of year. Not autumn. Although I do love that season, the weather and the feeling, Christmas is my favorite time of year, and my favorite holiday. Next year around October I’ll probably feel like Halloween and autumn are the best, but for now I’m all Christmas.
Although I absolutely despise snow, I’m overjoyed to say that it’s almost Christmas. This is the first year I didn’t have a Christmas list that was at least a page long. First it’s because I got a lot pickier this year, and second it’s not as fun now that I know the truth about Santa. I sometimes wish that I had a little brother or sister that still believed in Santa Clause so I could go along with the whole idea. But don’t doubt that I still absolutely love Christmas, Santa or not.
What I truly love about this time of year is the atmosphere, the music, the story behind it, the presents (of course), and being with my family. I like coming home on the last day of school before break, drinking hot chocolate, waking up on Christmas morning, sleeping in, and eating as many candy canes as possible. Although I can’t stand walking through the cold snow and having it seep into my shoes and pants, it is good for at least one thing. Sledding. And I can’t lie, the snow is actually really pretty and it does add the Christmas feeling. Snow days are good too. I don’t like being cold very much either, but it’s the price you have to pay for such a good holiday season. Sitting by a fire, wrapped in a blanket, watching ABC Family’s Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas has to be the best thing I’ve ever experienced. Getting presents is good too, but what I really like is going out and getting presents for my family and friends. I think it’s fun to go and pick out a different ceramic cow for my sister (this year it was a wizard cow) and going to pick out incense for my friend Bridget.
It might come as a surprise but I don’t really like Christmas day. I think the anticipation for it all is more fun than getting it over with. I enjoy the day, don’t get me wrong, I just hate knowing that this is it. After that, Christmas is over. No more Christmas movies, no more candy canes, the Christmas tree is taken down, the ornaments and lights are put away and it’s over, but for now, I can’t wait.
Although I absolutely despise snow, I’m overjoyed to say that it’s almost Christmas. This is the first year I didn’t have a Christmas list that was at least a page long. First it’s because I got a lot pickier this year, and second it’s not as fun now that I know the truth about Santa. I sometimes wish that I had a little brother or sister that still believed in Santa Clause so I could go along with the whole idea. But don’t doubt that I still absolutely love Christmas, Santa or not.
What I truly love about this time of year is the atmosphere, the music, the story behind it, the presents (of course), and being with my family. I like coming home on the last day of school before break, drinking hot chocolate, waking up on Christmas morning, sleeping in, and eating as many candy canes as possible. Although I can’t stand walking through the cold snow and having it seep into my shoes and pants, it is good for at least one thing. Sledding. And I can’t lie, the snow is actually really pretty and it does add the Christmas feeling. Snow days are good too. I don’t like being cold very much either, but it’s the price you have to pay for such a good holiday season. Sitting by a fire, wrapped in a blanket, watching ABC Family’s Countdown to 25 Days of Christmas has to be the best thing I’ve ever experienced. Getting presents is good too, but what I really like is going out and getting presents for my family and friends. I think it’s fun to go and pick out a different ceramic cow for my sister (this year it was a wizard cow) and going to pick out incense for my friend Bridget.
It might come as a surprise but I don’t really like Christmas day. I think the anticipation for it all is more fun than getting it over with. I enjoy the day, don’t get me wrong, I just hate knowing that this is it. After that, Christmas is over. No more Christmas movies, no more candy canes, the Christmas tree is taken down, the ornaments and lights are put away and it’s over, but for now, I can’t wait.
Friday, November 6, 2009
The American Scholar
Emerson’s argument in “The American Scholar” about American society still holds true today.
One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is that the people in America are all doing their own thing and when we come together, we fail to understand other people’s opinions because we cannot see from their point of view. If we as a country had to make a decision on an important issue, we would never in a million years be able to agree on one way to go about it. A soldier and a priest may not see eye to eye. A farmer and a mechanic might not agree on anything. It proves that we cannot see from another point of view because we are not diverse in our skills. We see it from our own point of view and that’s it.
Emerson’s says “It is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked for wisdom, that the gods, in the beginning, divided man into men, that he might be more helpful to himself; just as the hand was divided into fingers, the better to answer its end.” What I think of when I hear that makes me think that it’s a good thing to have some diversity and for there to be different jobs and what not but the fact that there is diversity should help us all come together and get different opinions and points of view. Similar to how a hand and its many fingers help it to grasp something, our different skills should help us grasp ideas and conclusions. But what’s happening is that people are so involved in their jobs and how it makes them who they are, they can’t see how other people feel and they don’t have the skills to be more than just the one thing. It prevents us from coming together and helping each other out with our diverse skills and being a stronger country.
One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is that the people in America are all doing their own thing and when we come together, we fail to understand other people’s opinions because we cannot see from their point of view. If we as a country had to make a decision on an important issue, we would never in a million years be able to agree on one way to go about it. A soldier and a priest may not see eye to eye. A farmer and a mechanic might not agree on anything. It proves that we cannot see from another point of view because we are not diverse in our skills. We see it from our own point of view and that’s it.
Emerson’s says “It is one of those fables which out of an unknown antiquity convey an unlooked for wisdom, that the gods, in the beginning, divided man into men, that he might be more helpful to himself; just as the hand was divided into fingers, the better to answer its end.” What I think of when I hear that makes me think that it’s a good thing to have some diversity and for there to be different jobs and what not but the fact that there is diversity should help us all come together and get different opinions and points of view. Similar to how a hand and its many fingers help it to grasp something, our different skills should help us grasp ideas and conclusions. But what’s happening is that people are so involved in their jobs and how it makes them who they are, they can’t see how other people feel and they don’t have the skills to be more than just the one thing. It prevents us from coming together and helping each other out with our diverse skills and being a stronger country.
Friday, October 30, 2009

The best things about Halloween are scary movies, dressing up, and candy. The feel of all the decorations and pumpkins and all the leaves is good too but only candy can last for months after autumn is over.
I’m not one to get excited about having to watch a scary movie but once I start watching it I cannot stop. I get scared so easily it’s unbelievable. In the eighth grade I watched the sixth sense and I had to sleep in my mom’s room with her for a month. The last movie I watched (the exorcist) wasn’t as scary as I thought but I had to sleep in my mother’s room again, just for one night though. What I like about Halloween is that these kinds of movies are always on television. I’ve already got pre-set recordings for the Halloween movies with Mike Myers, and The Shining. The best series of movies, by far, are the child’s play movies 1, 2, and 3. And their sequels Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky. It’s not just that these movies go with the theme of Halloween, but they give Halloween the feel that it has. Without scary movies, I wouldn’t go out at night on Halloween, scared to death with all my friends. And that would obviously be no fun at all.
Dressing up for Halloween is probably the most fun part of the whole thing. I love going through ideas and talking it over with my friends about what I or we are going to be this year. I think I’ve had quite a history of costumes: a clown, Barney, Tweetie Bird, Buzz Lightyear, Mulan, Cinderella, a cat, a mouse, a Spice girl, and this year I will be a cowgirl. There is quite a lot of diversity in my past costumes and I hope to keep it that way for future Halloweens.
Dressing up and watching scary movies are fun, but the absolute best part of the after Halloween is the candy. There are so many different kinds, so many different sizes and colors, it’s unbelievable. Evan after all the leaves have fallen off the tress and been raked up, I’ll still have my old Halloween candy that I had gotten possibly months ago, to enjoy. No matter how old it would get, or how many gross Almond Joys I would get, I’d still have the memories and best of all, the sugar from that Halloween.
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Family

My family is very important to me. When I think about other people’s families I can’t imagine that there as close as they are to theirs as I am to mine, but I know they probably are. My family is my life. I know that without them I’d be nothing. They love me and I love them. We wouldn’t be the same if we were missing a single member. We’re all different but we’re all the same. We like different things but when it comes down to it, we’re all suckers for each other.
My parents. They’re the ones that take care of me. They’re there to drive me around, and they were there to come clean me up after I wet my bed when I was little. I see them now caring for me and my sisters through tough times and I know that when I’m as old as my sisters, they’ll still be there for me. Sometimes we get in arguments and sometimes I resent them but I know that no matter what, we’ll always be there for each other.
My sisters. They make me who I am right now. They’ve done everything they can to help me through things and care for me when I need them. Although I’m the youngest and some of them are a lot older than I am, I know that they’re there to guide me through the tough times and help me when I need them. My sisters Nikkiy, Liz, and Emily will always love me and I’ll always love them. We get along so well and I know it will stay that way. They’re me best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ava , Abbie, Max, and soon to be Ella. My nieces and nephew. They’re absolutely wonderful. They are probably the cutest kids I’ve ever laid my eyes on. All kids get a little on the annoying side when they’re little. I mean, they cry and sometimes don’t cooperate but I live to babysit them. Even when they don’t want to sit down and eat or they don’t want to stay with me, I have the best time. I know that when they grow up, they’ll be just as close to us all as we all are now.
I’m extremely close to all my cousins and aunts and uncles, especially my grandma. I was really close to my grandpa too. They’re all so understanding of each other and they’re so fun to be around. My family is really what makes me happiest and I don’t know where I’d be without them. And besides no one else understands just how good my grandmother’s cooking really is.
My parents. They’re the ones that take care of me. They’re there to drive me around, and they were there to come clean me up after I wet my bed when I was little. I see them now caring for me and my sisters through tough times and I know that when I’m as old as my sisters, they’ll still be there for me. Sometimes we get in arguments and sometimes I resent them but I know that no matter what, we’ll always be there for each other.
My sisters. They make me who I am right now. They’ve done everything they can to help me through things and care for me when I need them. Although I’m the youngest and some of them are a lot older than I am, I know that they’re there to guide me through the tough times and help me when I need them. My sisters Nikkiy, Liz, and Emily will always love me and I’ll always love them. We get along so well and I know it will stay that way. They’re me best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ava , Abbie, Max, and soon to be Ella. My nieces and nephew. They’re absolutely wonderful. They are probably the cutest kids I’ve ever laid my eyes on. All kids get a little on the annoying side when they’re little. I mean, they cry and sometimes don’t cooperate but I live to babysit them. Even when they don’t want to sit down and eat or they don’t want to stay with me, I have the best time. I know that when they grow up, they’ll be just as close to us all as we all are now.
I’m extremely close to all my cousins and aunts and uncles, especially my grandma. I was really close to my grandpa too. They’re all so understanding of each other and they’re so fun to be around. My family is really what makes me happiest and I don’t know where I’d be without them. And besides no one else understands just how good my grandmother’s cooking really is.
Friday, October 9, 2009

Terrorism is a world issue that needs to stop. Terrorism is, in my opinion, the biggest problem in the world right now. I understand the point of war because we can’t always talk things out, but scaring people and fighting unfairly to get what you want is just horrible. We’re in a recession I guess but I believe that our lives and our country are more important than money. This problem should be our first priority and we should be working towards a solution for this world issue.
My father always tells me stories about terrorists and the things they do. Sometimes I think it’s too scare me a little bit into watching out for myself and being careful. But I know there’s truth behind these stories. The things terrorists do are really awful. Being tortured and bombed is far worse than not being able to buy a few nice things you want. Recessions are temporary and easier to solve if we work together. Terrorism is not as simple. If we all band together and had one goal, we could stop a recession, but there are two different goals here, the terrorists, and ours. It’s not even a situation where we can compromise. Obama should be doing something to stop this. We’re already in wars, recessions, and a lot of other problems are going on, we can’t handle terrorism right now.
I had never even heard of terrorism until the first or second grade when 9/11 happened, and even then I didn’t understand what it was. I knew that it was something serious and I knew that it scared me to think about but I didn’t get what was happening. Now that I do understand though, it still scares me. I get that it’s not something to joke about and that it is a truly terrible thing. I know that it can happen anywhere and at anytime. What I don’t understand is the reasons people resort to terrorism, when really negotiation and talking things over is a more effective way to get what you want.
Terrorism is something that really needs to be stopped. There are so many things people can do to terrorize people, there are so many ways that people can be hurt and devastated. Terrorism is a really big problem and I think the sooner we enable ourselves do get rid this terrible thing that is ruining people’s lives, the better.
Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is my absolute favorite season. It’s the best time of the year other than Christmas time. The only reason winter isn’t my favorite season is because its far too cold. Other than that’s its ok, I mean how can anyone not like hot chocolate or christmas lights and trees. I like fall for multiple reasons. I like the fact that Halloween and Thanksgiving are celebrated in the fall. I like the temperatures, how its not hot but its not freezing. I like the clothes I get to wear. I like the colors outside and I like the feeling around my house.
Halloween and Thanksgiving in my opinion are 2 of the greatest holidays ever. I love Halloween because I get to go out at night with my friends and get candy. I’d think a kid was abnormal if he didn’t enjoy that. I like it because you get to dress up as whatever you want. When I was little I used to look forward to picking out my costume all year. I’d plan out and brainstorm ideas of what I wanted to be and when I finally got down to one idea, I was ecstatic. Although it starts getting a little chillier outside by the end of October, I still love going out at night into the cold, thick air and walking around for hours will a pillow case full of candy hanging over my shoulder. Thanksgiving plays a great factor to my love for the fall. I mostly like it because if you’ve read my other blogs, you know that I really like to eat. I like it because since before I was born, me and my family get together at my grandma’s and spend hours just eating everything. My family and I are very close to each other and I love Thanksgiving because it brings me and m family closer. I like it because when we pull up into my grandmas driveway and I get out, walk right up to the door and i breath in the smell of wonderful food that has been wating for me all day and I can still feel the burning of the cold November air in my nose. I’ll walk in and feel the rush of warmth that I know is caused by the oven.
Autumn is my favorite season because of all this and other reasons. I like it because it brings me good feelings and a sense of my family and friends.
Halloween and Thanksgiving in my opinion are 2 of the greatest holidays ever. I love Halloween because I get to go out at night with my friends and get candy. I’d think a kid was abnormal if he didn’t enjoy that. I like it because you get to dress up as whatever you want. When I was little I used to look forward to picking out my costume all year. I’d plan out and brainstorm ideas of what I wanted to be and when I finally got down to one idea, I was ecstatic. Although it starts getting a little chillier outside by the end of October, I still love going out at night into the cold, thick air and walking around for hours will a pillow case full of candy hanging over my shoulder. Thanksgiving plays a great factor to my love for the fall. I mostly like it because if you’ve read my other blogs, you know that I really like to eat. I like it because since before I was born, me and my family get together at my grandma’s and spend hours just eating everything. My family and I are very close to each other and I love Thanksgiving because it brings me and m family closer. I like it because when we pull up into my grandmas driveway and I get out, walk right up to the door and i breath in the smell of wonderful food that has been wating for me all day and I can still feel the burning of the cold November air in my nose. I’ll walk in and feel the rush of warmth that I know is caused by the oven.
Autumn is my favorite season because of all this and other reasons. I like it because it brings me good feelings and a sense of my family and friends.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First Day of School Memior
I'm sleeping. I'm the most peaceful I've been all night. Just as I switch my position to get more of the covers on me, the sound I've been dreading to hear all summer starts blasting into my left ear. I look to my left and my alarm clock is telling me that its 6 o'clock and time to get ready for my first day of high school. I sit down in front of my mirror. I get ready for what seems like days but was really only an hour. I didn't eat breakfast, I'm far too nervous to add to the already fluttering butterflies in my stomache.
After my mother and I pick up my best friend Kayla, we head towards the school that I'll offically be spending the next 4 years and the rest of my youth at. I look around, I know I'm not the only one who's nervous. The hallways are confusing and the classrooms are silent.
I don't have any trouble finding my classes, I have my older sister's friends take me to each one of them. The only problems I'm having are that i forgot 3 important things at home, my schedule, my locker combination, and a folder, 3 very important things for a first day of high school. The biggest problem though is lunch. My mother had packed me the same thing she had all throughout middle school, a dry peanut butter sandwich, a bottle of water that i could never finish, and about a million other little snacks. My friends Kayla-who is just as nervous as me, Amanda-who is probably more nervous than both of us put together, and brittney-who doesn't have a care in the world if she walked into the wrong classroom and embarrasses herself. We walk into the North Cafeteria for some place to sit. We see a table. We don't sit down, but debate in the one who should gather up the courage to go and sit down first. "You go first." "No, you go first." We argued for a few more minutes. I look over to see that the table is already filled with people. We walk to the South Cafeteria and almost the exact thing happens. At this point, I'm considering getting homeschooled. We're forced to sit on a bench outside the 2 cafeterias and eat our lunch there. I feel so foolish, all I can eat is a Rice Crispy Treat.
I go to the rest of my classes with no other problems at all, but i can still taste the Rice Crispy Treat and the memory of lunch. I push it out of my mind and I can't wait until my next day at high school.
After my mother and I pick up my best friend Kayla, we head towards the school that I'll offically be spending the next 4 years and the rest of my youth at. I look around, I know I'm not the only one who's nervous. The hallways are confusing and the classrooms are silent.
I don't have any trouble finding my classes, I have my older sister's friends take me to each one of them. The only problems I'm having are that i forgot 3 important things at home, my schedule, my locker combination, and a folder, 3 very important things for a first day of high school. The biggest problem though is lunch. My mother had packed me the same thing she had all throughout middle school, a dry peanut butter sandwich, a bottle of water that i could never finish, and about a million other little snacks. My friends Kayla-who is just as nervous as me, Amanda-who is probably more nervous than both of us put together, and brittney-who doesn't have a care in the world if she walked into the wrong classroom and embarrasses herself. We walk into the North Cafeteria for some place to sit. We see a table. We don't sit down, but debate in the one who should gather up the courage to go and sit down first. "You go first." "No, you go first." We argued for a few more minutes. I look over to see that the table is already filled with people. We walk to the South Cafeteria and almost the exact thing happens. At this point, I'm considering getting homeschooled. We're forced to sit on a bench outside the 2 cafeterias and eat our lunch there. I feel so foolish, all I can eat is a Rice Crispy Treat.
I go to the rest of my classes with no other problems at all, but i can still taste the Rice Crispy Treat and the memory of lunch. I push it out of my mind and I can't wait until my next day at high school.
A I have two nieces, their names are Ava and Abbie. There my sister’s kids and I love them so much. i babysit them a lot but that’s usually the only times I see them at my house. They have the same middle names, I think that’s cute. It suits them very well.
B My best friend’s name is Bridget Bernadotte. I’ve known her for 12 years. We’ve already planned on getting matching Volkswagen vans and loving together when we move out of our parents houses. We like the exact same things and I’ve never met anyone who understands me more than she does, not even myself.
C Couches are the best thing ever invented. I’m not just saying this so I have something to say for the letter C. my grandma has this couch that’s she’s had since way before I was born. I’ve slept on it, I’ve thrown up while sitting on it, I’ve eaten on it. I’ve had so many memories with my family on that couch. My grandma told me that when she passes away I can have the couch but my father said it’d be impossible to get it up to my room. I told him I’d carry it up there myself if I had to.
D I hate dogs. They’re my least favorite animal, yet I have two of them. The only dogs in the whole world that I can stand are one of my dogs, Pepper, and my friend Bridget’s dog, Ellie. I hate dogs, but I love Dippin’ dots. I could seriously eat them everyday for every meal. I went to cedar point over the summer and I had Dippin’ dots 5 times in 2 days. My love for hockey has nothing to do with the reason I go to hockey games. They sell Dippin’ dots there.
E Eating. I love eating. I’m so glad that you have to eat to survive because that’s the only excuse I have for my undying love to eat. You’d never guess how much I eat by my size. I guess I have the fastest metabolism in the world because my mom has to try to hide food from me at times because I’ll eat it all. I don’t blame her. I complain when I gain a pound but I complain five times harder when she refuses to make me full meals at 10 o’clock at night.
F My father is the most inspirational person in my life. I think out of everyone I’ve met and everyone I’ll meet, he’ll have had the greatest impact on me. He knows me well. I try to get to know him better. He has had the most interesting life and I love to hear stories about his experiences. He may not think so but I find everything he does to be amazing. He takes care of me and I know he’ll never let me down.
G Ginger. My dog Ginger. This is horrible to say but I hate her. It might be because I don’t like dogs and I never give her a chance to earn my affection but she is the most annoying creature to walk the earth. She wakes me up early in the morning by barking as loud as she can. She’s gross. She smells horrible and will chew up anything you leave on the floor.
H Halloween is my favorite holiday. Other than Christmas obviously but Halloween and the whole month of October is one of the best times of the year. I love candy and I love them atmosphere on the night of Halloween. My family still makes fun of me for being Buzz Lightyear when I was 5.
I I'm Jackie. I'm fourteen years old. I like school and I love my family and friends. I'm typical, I'm predictable, and I get a kick out of myself.
J Jackie. Jaclyn. You can call me either. My parents prefer Jack or Juju Bee though.
K Kayla is the name of one of my bestfriends. I met her in 3rd grade and we've been best friends ever since. we have alot of fun together and we can always make each other laugh no matter what. We get into some arguments but we can't help but burst out laughing after 5 minutes. We've had so many good times with each other and i can be completely myself around her. I;m always there for her and I know she'll always be there for me.
L Ladybug. I hate them. This isn't really going to help you understand me or my life any better, its just an experience. I remember a long time ago, I think it was in 2nd grade, i loved ladybugs, I even liked worms. I used to be weird. But I was holding a ladybug on the playground at school once and it peed on me. I've never gone near ladybug since.
M My mom. She is nicer to my friends than she is to me, but I know she'll always take care of me. I know she'll never leave my side, and I know that even when I'm older and I don't love with my parents anymore that she will take care of me if I need her. I know i could always come home to her and she would make me anything I wanted or babysit my children. I could call her to help clean my room or help me fold clothes. I know me and my mother practically never get along but I also know that she'll never let me down.
N I know I already wrote about my sisters but I think its important that I write about my sister Nikkiy again. Nikkiy's my only full sister, the other 2 are my half sisters. Nikkiy is extremely important to me. Shes probably the sister that I'm closest to. She lives just down the hall from me and I can't imagine her any farther away from me than that. I could write way more than a paragraph about her but I'll just say that she is beyond me best friend, she is the one girl you I know that nothing can break us apart. I can trust her with my life and I know she'll take good care of me.
O October. It's by far, my favorite month. There's a few reasons why. One is Halloween. Another is because It's the first full Fall month, and another is because its my best friend Bridget's birthday. Since Bridget is my absolute best friend, we always do something really fun for her birthday. Like you've already learned is that fall is my favorite month, October is the beginning of it and since its just coming out of summer, its not too cold yet. Its always the perfect temperature and its always so pretty outside. October is also my mother, my father, and my grandmas birthdays. October is a very special month to me.
P Pepper is my favorite dog in the whole world. I dislike dogs alot but this one Ican't get enough of. She lies on my couch with me when I'm sick and she plays with me when I'm bored. She's a fat little thing but she is the most cuddly, cute, funny dog I've ever met. I know I talked about how much I hate dogs but its the exact opposite with Pepper, she's like a little baby to me.
Q Well, Q is one of the harder letters, so I'll just give it my best. Last year, Mrs. Henry called me Jaqueline the Queen. I got a kick out of it. Usually in gym i work out my Quads. I like gym alot better this year than I did last year. My grandma made a Quilt once, its the most comfortable blanket I've ever slept on in my life. I like it when its quite, I think its nice, I like to read and I cannot concentrate at all in less its extremely quiet.
R This is going to be lame, but Ron Weasley is by far my favorite character from Harry Potter. In both the books and the movies he amuses me the most. Reading could be one for R, I do like to read. Reading and Ron are related. I love to read. Especially Harry Potter, I usually was most interested in the parts with Ron though.
S my sisters. They mean the world to me. Some of them have gotten married, had kids, and moved out no matter where they are or what they do, I will love them with my whole heart. Liz, Emily, and Nikkiy. I couldn’t live without them. We’ve had our bad times, but I don’t know who the heck hasn’t. I’d do anything for them and I hope they know that. They’re such a big part of my life, they’ve taught me so much and they do so much for me. I love my sisters.
T Tootsie Rolls. That sounds weird to write about, but I really did love them. My mom bought a bag of them once when I was little and me and Nikkiy ate the whole thing in one day and after that we were obsessed. That day we formed a club called TRFC. It stands for Tootsie Roll Fan Club. Now that I think about it, I can't believe we were so weird and that I'm even writing about it for people to read and know about it but me and Nikkiy would crawl under my bed and eat them all day. We even wanted to write to the Tootsie Roll factory to congratulate them on making such a good product.
U Underwear. I don't know if this is school appropriate. I'm guessing it is, its only underwear. Well all little girls wear that underwear that goes up to their necks (actually above their bellybuttons) and i remember one day my mom got me underwear that was just below my bellybutton and it had cute little cats on it. I can't even begin to explain how happy I was.
V I got stuck on this letter, and the few letters below this. I asked me dad what he thought would be a good word for V and he sad very. He said to put very stubborn, and I'd have no idea how to write a paragraph about that. I guess it kind of goes back to the paragraph about my dad. He tried to help me to the best of his ability and if all we can think of when we try our hardest together is Very stubborn, then that's fine with me.
W Whinnie the Pooh was my all time favorite show when i was little, me and Nikkiy watched it all the time. I had tapes that I'd watch all the time. I even have my little Piglette stuffed animal I've had since I was born sitting on my bed with me right this minute. Whinnie the Pooh taught me alot of things and it was a very good show.
X I can't think of anything for X except that in my church, there's a nursery where all the kids can go during the service. I used to go there when I was little. There's all these toys in there for everyone to play with. Mine was always either the blocks or the Xylophone. All the other kids would play on the slide or with the little fake lawn mowers but I'd sit and play with the xylophone.
Y I really like the color yellow. Pink is my favorite color but yellow is next in line. It used to be my favorite color though. I like it because I think leaves are prettiest when they're yellow. I think yellows a peaceful color. I think its pretty for the sun too. The song Yellow Submarine is one of the first Beatles songs I ever heard. It is a good song, and yellow is a good color.
Z It’s hard to think of something for z, I guess I could say that I prefer sweatshirts that don’t zip up but that’s not very meaningful. I could also say that my purse is zebra print or that I used to want to name one of my children Zephyr but that doesn’t really mean a lot either.
B My best friend’s name is Bridget Bernadotte. I’ve known her for 12 years. We’ve already planned on getting matching Volkswagen vans and loving together when we move out of our parents houses. We like the exact same things and I’ve never met anyone who understands me more than she does, not even myself.
C Couches are the best thing ever invented. I’m not just saying this so I have something to say for the letter C. my grandma has this couch that’s she’s had since way before I was born. I’ve slept on it, I’ve thrown up while sitting on it, I’ve eaten on it. I’ve had so many memories with my family on that couch. My grandma told me that when she passes away I can have the couch but my father said it’d be impossible to get it up to my room. I told him I’d carry it up there myself if I had to.
D I hate dogs. They’re my least favorite animal, yet I have two of them. The only dogs in the whole world that I can stand are one of my dogs, Pepper, and my friend Bridget’s dog, Ellie. I hate dogs, but I love Dippin’ dots. I could seriously eat them everyday for every meal. I went to cedar point over the summer and I had Dippin’ dots 5 times in 2 days. My love for hockey has nothing to do with the reason I go to hockey games. They sell Dippin’ dots there.
E Eating. I love eating. I’m so glad that you have to eat to survive because that’s the only excuse I have for my undying love to eat. You’d never guess how much I eat by my size. I guess I have the fastest metabolism in the world because my mom has to try to hide food from me at times because I’ll eat it all. I don’t blame her. I complain when I gain a pound but I complain five times harder when she refuses to make me full meals at 10 o’clock at night.
F My father is the most inspirational person in my life. I think out of everyone I’ve met and everyone I’ll meet, he’ll have had the greatest impact on me. He knows me well. I try to get to know him better. He has had the most interesting life and I love to hear stories about his experiences. He may not think so but I find everything he does to be amazing. He takes care of me and I know he’ll never let me down.
G Ginger. My dog Ginger. This is horrible to say but I hate her. It might be because I don’t like dogs and I never give her a chance to earn my affection but she is the most annoying creature to walk the earth. She wakes me up early in the morning by barking as loud as she can. She’s gross. She smells horrible and will chew up anything you leave on the floor.
H Halloween is my favorite holiday. Other than Christmas obviously but Halloween and the whole month of October is one of the best times of the year. I love candy and I love them atmosphere on the night of Halloween. My family still makes fun of me for being Buzz Lightyear when I was 5.
I I'm Jackie. I'm fourteen years old. I like school and I love my family and friends. I'm typical, I'm predictable, and I get a kick out of myself.
J Jackie. Jaclyn. You can call me either. My parents prefer Jack or Juju Bee though.
K Kayla is the name of one of my bestfriends. I met her in 3rd grade and we've been best friends ever since. we have alot of fun together and we can always make each other laugh no matter what. We get into some arguments but we can't help but burst out laughing after 5 minutes. We've had so many good times with each other and i can be completely myself around her. I;m always there for her and I know she'll always be there for me.
L Ladybug. I hate them. This isn't really going to help you understand me or my life any better, its just an experience. I remember a long time ago, I think it was in 2nd grade, i loved ladybugs, I even liked worms. I used to be weird. But I was holding a ladybug on the playground at school once and it peed on me. I've never gone near ladybug since.
M My mom. She is nicer to my friends than she is to me, but I know she'll always take care of me. I know she'll never leave my side, and I know that even when I'm older and I don't love with my parents anymore that she will take care of me if I need her. I know i could always come home to her and she would make me anything I wanted or babysit my children. I could call her to help clean my room or help me fold clothes. I know me and my mother practically never get along but I also know that she'll never let me down.
N I know I already wrote about my sisters but I think its important that I write about my sister Nikkiy again. Nikkiy's my only full sister, the other 2 are my half sisters. Nikkiy is extremely important to me. Shes probably the sister that I'm closest to. She lives just down the hall from me and I can't imagine her any farther away from me than that. I could write way more than a paragraph about her but I'll just say that she is beyond me best friend, she is the one girl you I know that nothing can break us apart. I can trust her with my life and I know she'll take good care of me.
O October. It's by far, my favorite month. There's a few reasons why. One is Halloween. Another is because It's the first full Fall month, and another is because its my best friend Bridget's birthday. Since Bridget is my absolute best friend, we always do something really fun for her birthday. Like you've already learned is that fall is my favorite month, October is the beginning of it and since its just coming out of summer, its not too cold yet. Its always the perfect temperature and its always so pretty outside. October is also my mother, my father, and my grandmas birthdays. October is a very special month to me.
P Pepper is my favorite dog in the whole world. I dislike dogs alot but this one Ican't get enough of. She lies on my couch with me when I'm sick and she plays with me when I'm bored. She's a fat little thing but she is the most cuddly, cute, funny dog I've ever met. I know I talked about how much I hate dogs but its the exact opposite with Pepper, she's like a little baby to me.
Q Well, Q is one of the harder letters, so I'll just give it my best. Last year, Mrs. Henry called me Jaqueline the Queen. I got a kick out of it. Usually in gym i work out my Quads. I like gym alot better this year than I did last year. My grandma made a Quilt once, its the most comfortable blanket I've ever slept on in my life. I like it when its quite, I think its nice, I like to read and I cannot concentrate at all in less its extremely quiet.
R This is going to be lame, but Ron Weasley is by far my favorite character from Harry Potter. In both the books and the movies he amuses me the most. Reading could be one for R, I do like to read. Reading and Ron are related. I love to read. Especially Harry Potter, I usually was most interested in the parts with Ron though.
S my sisters. They mean the world to me. Some of them have gotten married, had kids, and moved out no matter where they are or what they do, I will love them with my whole heart. Liz, Emily, and Nikkiy. I couldn’t live without them. We’ve had our bad times, but I don’t know who the heck hasn’t. I’d do anything for them and I hope they know that. They’re such a big part of my life, they’ve taught me so much and they do so much for me. I love my sisters.
T Tootsie Rolls. That sounds weird to write about, but I really did love them. My mom bought a bag of them once when I was little and me and Nikkiy ate the whole thing in one day and after that we were obsessed. That day we formed a club called TRFC. It stands for Tootsie Roll Fan Club. Now that I think about it, I can't believe we were so weird and that I'm even writing about it for people to read and know about it but me and Nikkiy would crawl under my bed and eat them all day. We even wanted to write to the Tootsie Roll factory to congratulate them on making such a good product.
U Underwear. I don't know if this is school appropriate. I'm guessing it is, its only underwear. Well all little girls wear that underwear that goes up to their necks (actually above their bellybuttons) and i remember one day my mom got me underwear that was just below my bellybutton and it had cute little cats on it. I can't even begin to explain how happy I was.
V I got stuck on this letter, and the few letters below this. I asked me dad what he thought would be a good word for V and he sad very. He said to put very stubborn, and I'd have no idea how to write a paragraph about that. I guess it kind of goes back to the paragraph about my dad. He tried to help me to the best of his ability and if all we can think of when we try our hardest together is Very stubborn, then that's fine with me.
W Whinnie the Pooh was my all time favorite show when i was little, me and Nikkiy watched it all the time. I had tapes that I'd watch all the time. I even have my little Piglette stuffed animal I've had since I was born sitting on my bed with me right this minute. Whinnie the Pooh taught me alot of things and it was a very good show.
X I can't think of anything for X except that in my church, there's a nursery where all the kids can go during the service. I used to go there when I was little. There's all these toys in there for everyone to play with. Mine was always either the blocks or the Xylophone. All the other kids would play on the slide or with the little fake lawn mowers but I'd sit and play with the xylophone.
Y I really like the color yellow. Pink is my favorite color but yellow is next in line. It used to be my favorite color though. I like it because I think leaves are prettiest when they're yellow. I think yellows a peaceful color. I think its pretty for the sun too. The song Yellow Submarine is one of the first Beatles songs I ever heard. It is a good song, and yellow is a good color.
Z It’s hard to think of something for z, I guess I could say that I prefer sweatshirts that don’t zip up but that’s not very meaningful. I could also say that my purse is zebra print or that I used to want to name one of my children Zephyr but that doesn’t really mean a lot either.
Friday, September 18, 2009
The beginning of school for me is a little bit of everything. It’s fun, it’s hard, it makes me nervous, and it gets me excited. I’ve always hated school up until middle school. That’s when I fully understood why I’m supposed to go, why I should want to go, and why I have to go. Now that I’m in 9th grade, I appreciate it so much more than when I did when I was 9. So far I’ve been enjoying this first part of high school. I have fun being in my classes and learning new things. In the summer I longed so much to come back to school but I know by the end of the year I’ll be dying for it to be summer. I know the classes are going to get harder and the homework is going to get bigger in quantities but for now, I’m enjoying it.
So far I like all my teachers, I like all my classmates and fellow students. I know that will change eventually though. I’ll meet new people, some that I like and some that I won’t like. I know eventually I’ll end up not enjoying some of my teachers. And I know I will stop liking them for stupid reasons like that I forgot to do my own homework. But for now, I like them.
High school isn’t what I expected though. I thought I was going to be overwhelmed by tall people in the hallways, that I was going to somehow trip everyday in the hallway and embarrass myself. Now that I’m getting used to it, I know that even though sometimes I’ll lag behind or not understand what the rest of the class already knows, that I want to get involved and I want this to be the best high school experience. And I know this is only the beginning.
So far I like all my teachers, I like all my classmates and fellow students. I know that will change eventually though. I’ll meet new people, some that I like and some that I won’t like. I know eventually I’ll end up not enjoying some of my teachers. And I know I will stop liking them for stupid reasons like that I forgot to do my own homework. But for now, I like them.
High school isn’t what I expected though. I thought I was going to be overwhelmed by tall people in the hallways, that I was going to somehow trip everyday in the hallway and embarrass myself. Now that I’m getting used to it, I know that even though sometimes I’ll lag behind or not understand what the rest of the class already knows, that I want to get involved and I want this to be the best high school experience. And I know this is only the beginning.
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