My family is very important to me. When I think about other people’s families I can’t imagine that there as close as they are to theirs as I am to mine, but I know they probably are. My family is my life. I know that without them I’d be nothing. They love me and I love them. We wouldn’t be the same if we were missing a single member. We’re all different but we’re all the same. We like different things but when it comes down to it, we’re all suckers for each other.
My parents. They’re the ones that take care of me. They’re there to drive me around, and they were there to come clean me up after I wet my bed when I was little. I see them now caring for me and my sisters through tough times and I know that when I’m as old as my sisters, they’ll still be there for me. Sometimes we get in arguments and sometimes I resent them but I know that no matter what, we’ll always be there for each other.
My sisters. They make me who I am right now. They’ve done everything they can to help me through things and care for me when I need them. Although I’m the youngest and some of them are a lot older than I am, I know that they’re there to guide me through the tough times and help me when I need them. My sisters Nikkiy, Liz, and Emily will always love me and I’ll always love them. We get along so well and I know it will stay that way. They’re me best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ava , Abbie, Max, and soon to be Ella. My nieces and nephew. They’re absolutely wonderful. They are probably the cutest kids I’ve ever laid my eyes on. All kids get a little on the annoying side when they’re little. I mean, they cry and sometimes don’t cooperate but I live to babysit them. Even when they don’t want to sit down and eat or they don’t want to stay with me, I have the best time. I know that when they grow up, they’ll be just as close to us all as we all are now.
I’m extremely close to all my cousins and aunts and uncles, especially my grandma. I was really close to my grandpa too. They’re all so understanding of each other and they’re so fun to be around. My family is really what makes me happiest and I don’t know where I’d be without them. And besides no one else understands just how good my grandmother’s cooking really is.
My parents. They’re the ones that take care of me. They’re there to drive me around, and they were there to come clean me up after I wet my bed when I was little. I see them now caring for me and my sisters through tough times and I know that when I’m as old as my sisters, they’ll still be there for me. Sometimes we get in arguments and sometimes I resent them but I know that no matter what, we’ll always be there for each other.
My sisters. They make me who I am right now. They’ve done everything they can to help me through things and care for me when I need them. Although I’m the youngest and some of them are a lot older than I am, I know that they’re there to guide me through the tough times and help me when I need them. My sisters Nikkiy, Liz, and Emily will always love me and I’ll always love them. We get along so well and I know it will stay that way. They’re me best friends and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Ava , Abbie, Max, and soon to be Ella. My nieces and nephew. They’re absolutely wonderful. They are probably the cutest kids I’ve ever laid my eyes on. All kids get a little on the annoying side when they’re little. I mean, they cry and sometimes don’t cooperate but I live to babysit them. Even when they don’t want to sit down and eat or they don’t want to stay with me, I have the best time. I know that when they grow up, they’ll be just as close to us all as we all are now.
I’m extremely close to all my cousins and aunts and uncles, especially my grandma. I was really close to my grandpa too. They’re all so understanding of each other and they’re so fun to be around. My family is really what makes me happiest and I don’t know where I’d be without them. And besides no one else understands just how good my grandmother’s cooking really is.
That is so cool that you have nieces!!! Hahah I also enjoy babysitting!!!