Terrorism is a world issue that needs to stop. Terrorism is, in my opinion, the biggest problem in the world right now. I understand the point of war because we can’t always talk things out, but scaring people and fighting unfairly to get what you want is just horrible. We’re in a recession I guess but I believe that our lives and our country are more important than money. This problem should be our first priority and we should be working towards a solution for this world issue.
My father always tells me stories about terrorists and the things they do. Sometimes I think it’s too scare me a little bit into watching out for myself and being careful. But I know there’s truth behind these stories. The things terrorists do are really awful. Being tortured and bombed is far worse than not being able to buy a few nice things you want. Recessions are temporary and easier to solve if we work together. Terrorism is not as simple. If we all band together and had one goal, we could stop a recession, but there are two different goals here, the terrorists, and ours. It’s not even a situation where we can compromise. Obama should be doing something to stop this. We’re already in wars, recessions, and a lot of other problems are going on, we can’t handle terrorism right now.
I had never even heard of terrorism until the first or second grade when 9/11 happened, and even then I didn’t understand what it was. I knew that it was something serious and I knew that it scared me to think about but I didn’t get what was happening. Now that I do understand though, it still scares me. I get that it’s not something to joke about and that it is a truly terrible thing. I know that it can happen anywhere and at anytime. What I don’t understand is the reasons people resort to terrorism, when really negotiation and talking things over is a more effective way to get what you want.
Terrorism is something that really needs to be stopped. There are so many things people can do to terrorize people, there are so many ways that people can be hurt and devastated. Terrorism is a really big problem and I think the sooner we enable ourselves do get rid this terrible thing that is ruining people’s lives, the better.
The problem with terrorists isent the fact that they are around, but its the things they are doing. I mean if you think about it, we were terrorists when we were trying to break away from Britain. So it isent the terrrorists, its the things they do.