Going from eating rat meat and old soup to eating fresh bread and cool water is quite a change. Being picked on by elders or being cared for by loving companions are also very different scenarios. The book Soldier X shows many different examples of cultural differences between Germany’s and Russia’s armies.
There were many ways in which these two countries were different, one of them being the way their soldiers were viewed. Being a soldier in Germany meant that you were a young boy that was born to die for their country. They were told, “You are nothing – your people are everything.” You were seen as invaluable and just seen as one group, you yourself didn’t matter, while being a soldier in Russia was pretty different. Each individual was thought to matter. They knew that each one of those soldiers had a family and had a mind of their own. The Russian soldiers all had the same status. If they were young boys or old veterans, they received the same amount of kindness and care. Germans were the exact opposite in this area. The older, more experienced soldiers would get the better treatment while the younger ones had a really hard time. These views of the soldiers came heavily into play when it came to how the soldiers saw each other.
How the soldiers acted towards each other in the German army and the Russian army is obviously different. The German soldiers seemed to live by the saying “every man for himself” while the Russians seemed to want to help each other out, no man left behind. What was most obvious about the relationship between one soldier and the next was that the German soldiers made it very clear when they didn’t like someone, usually the younger soldiers. The Nazis that were older and had been in the war longer really enjoyed picking on and teasing the new soldiers. In this book, Don Wulffson talks about a young boy who gets picked on by an older soldier. The older soldier stole the young boy’s sandwich and then says “This is quite good, did your mama make it for you?” They bullied them and tried their best to intimidate them. The Russians had the exact opposite relationship. It was almost like a father-son relationship among the older and younger men in the Russian army. The younger boys kind of looked up to the more experienced veterans. They supported each other and cared for each other.
When it came to caring for the soldiers, in a non-affectionate way, the Russian army and the German army still were really different. When a German soldier was injured and hospitalized, they would be bandaged up in a small hospital that maybe had been used as a bus or a small building. After that, they would maybe be sent back off to war, going back to receiving a low amount of food and barely any sleep. When a Russian was injured, they would be taken to a schoolhouse or another big building turned into a fully operating hospital to be healed over a period of time. Not until they were fully recovered and examined was there a possibility of being sent back to fight. It was so clear that the Russians truly cared about their injured soldiers because all of the nurses and doctors were volunteers, and they were whole-heartedly dedicated to their patients. A general came into one of the Russian hospitals to inspect it and possibly send some of the inured soldiers back to fight, when he took a liking to one of the nurses. He had asked if she wanted to come back with him to do important work. The nurse replied, “I am already doing important work.” The nurses and doctors of the Russian hospitals cared deeply about their patients. The Russians and the Germans definitely had a different kind of system for caring for their soldiers.
In Soldier X, It became very clear that there were major differences between the Russian army and the German army. There were different ways of caring for the soldiers, they were viewed differently and seen in different lights. Each country had its own way of dealing with and handling its army. Overall, it shows big differences in German and Russian cultures, although they may have a few similarities, Soldier X shows just how different these two cultures are.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Extra Credit #1 (offshore drilling)
When I was little I used to watch a show called Captain Planet. It was about this group of kids trying to help the environment and one episode that I remember watching was about them trying to help animals that were affected by an oil spill. Now, even though this was a cartoon, it still scared me watching the animals go through what they did, it scared me to see how it affected the people. Now this is happening in real life and this is a crucial time for United States to stop offshore drilling.
The US should stop offshore drilling because it can be extremely harmful to our country, and not just ecologically. The United States happens to be in a recession right now. Gas prices are very high and people can’t afford it to get much higher. If the US stopped offshore drilling and found a source of fuel right here in America, the citizens would be so much better off. Gas prices would be cheaper and the United States will be able to support itself and not have to depend on foreign countries or sneaky oil companies who have drilled for oil illegally to supply us with our fuel. The US needs to put an end to offshore drilling because it not only harms our economy, it is also terrible for our environment.
Drilling for oil offshore can cause great damage to the world around us. As people can already see, the offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has only resulted in an uncontrollable catastrophe. It seems that there was no pre-planned course of action by the drillers if a spill ever happened. President Obama has said “’It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little or more than assurances of safety from the oil companies,’” he later goes on to say that this should not happen again, which is true. The Department of the Interior and the Minerals Management Service should by all means, not give permits and/or waivers to any oil companies just because the companies reassure them that its safe, but they should have to prove that they have a system to keep it safe and that they have a plan on what to do if I spill does occur. Although some would say that we need to drill offshore, it is definitely not the only solution.
A lot of people would say that we need to do this because the United States depends on oil to use as fuel. They would think that it’s the only way to get fuel. It seems like the easiest, most convenient way to get fuel, but there are other solutions. The US could use many different types of things for fuel. Oil is not the only substance that can be used. If the United States stopped drilling offshore for oil, we could replace the fuel we would have gotten from offshore with fuels like electricity, natural gases, water, or ethanol. There are clearly many other ways we can get fuel without harming our environment and economy by offshore drilling.
The US should stop offshore drilling because it can be extremely harmful to our country, and not just ecologically. The United States happens to be in a recession right now. Gas prices are very high and people can’t afford it to get much higher. If the US stopped offshore drilling and found a source of fuel right here in America, the citizens would be so much better off. Gas prices would be cheaper and the United States will be able to support itself and not have to depend on foreign countries or sneaky oil companies who have drilled for oil illegally to supply us with our fuel. The US needs to put an end to offshore drilling because it not only harms our economy, it is also terrible for our environment.
Drilling for oil offshore can cause great damage to the world around us. As people can already see, the offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has only resulted in an uncontrollable catastrophe. It seems that there was no pre-planned course of action by the drillers if a spill ever happened. President Obama has said “’It seems as if permits were too often issued based on little or more than assurances of safety from the oil companies,’” he later goes on to say that this should not happen again, which is true. The Department of the Interior and the Minerals Management Service should by all means, not give permits and/or waivers to any oil companies just because the companies reassure them that its safe, but they should have to prove that they have a system to keep it safe and that they have a plan on what to do if I spill does occur. Although some would say that we need to drill offshore, it is definitely not the only solution.
A lot of people would say that we need to do this because the United States depends on oil to use as fuel. They would think that it’s the only way to get fuel. It seems like the easiest, most convenient way to get fuel, but there are other solutions. The US could use many different types of things for fuel. Oil is not the only substance that can be used. If the United States stopped drilling offshore for oil, we could replace the fuel we would have gotten from offshore with fuels like electricity, natural gases, water, or ethanol. There are clearly many other ways we can get fuel without harming our environment and economy by offshore drilling.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Paris' Drunkathons
Paris is right in creating new prohibitants againts alcohol near the Eiffel Tower during the "apéros géants".
Paris is right in creating rules involving alcohol because many dangers can come into play when you have over 10,000 people gahtered at the Effiel Tower drinking. Other people are put at risk as well as the consumers, proven by the fact that "One drunken reveler plunged to his death from a bridge in Nantes." Some of the regulations include not being able to hold or carry any bottles or glass containers and that the consumption of alcohol will be permanently forbidden on the Champ de Mars, so that this Drunkathon Gathering, formed by Facebook, cannot happen. It is good that these laws have been put in place because even though it won't stop all of the people from drinking there, alot of potentially dangerous situations have been stopped before they happen.
Paris is right in creating rules involving alcohol because many dangers can come into play when you have over 10,000 people gahtered at the Effiel Tower drinking. Other people are put at risk as well as the consumers, proven by the fact that "One drunken reveler plunged to his death from a bridge in Nantes." Some of the regulations include not being able to hold or carry any bottles or glass containers and that the consumption of alcohol will be permanently forbidden on the Champ de Mars, so that this Drunkathon Gathering, formed by Facebook, cannot happen. It is good that these laws have been put in place because even though it won't stop all of the people from drinking there, alot of potentially dangerous situations have been stopped before they happen.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Free Blog, My Sisters

I have three sisters and there all older than me. One of them is 17, another is 27, and the other one is 29. The two oldest ones are my half sisters, but I don’t really think of them as only being half related to me. I see them as my full, older sisters.
My full sister is named Nikkiy. She is the one that is seventeen years old. She looks exactly like me and she is the exact same height and size as I am, even though shes two years older than me. She goes to Stevenson High School with me and she drives us here every morning. She has long, curly, brown hair which is probably the only difference between us because I have straight black hair. Out of all my sisters, shes probably the funniest. She is probably my best friend and my favorite person to be around because she gets me so well.
My second older sister is one of my half sisters. Her name is Emily and she is the one that’s 27. Between her and my other half sister, I think I look like her the most cause we have like the same face, except she happens to be blessed with freckles. She is a cosmetologist and does my hair for me. She is probably the nicest out of the four of us. She is kind and helpful to everyone and she is extremely caring. Her and my other sister do not live with us anymore because they are married and have kids. But I’d be glad to have them back anytime.
My oldest half sister is named Liz, who is 29. I’ve probably called her Liz twice in my life though, because me and Nikkiy call her Sissy. Which now that I think about it, is kind of weird but I think of Sissy as being her first name. Liz and I do not look anything alike. She looks like Nikkiy, if any of us. She is probably the wittiest out of all of us. She is the one with the most attitude and sass if you ask me, but it’s a good thing in my opinion. She is probably at my house with her daughters more than Nikkiy is and she lives there.
I think I am the most different from my three sisters, looks-wise because, although I am extremely pale, I am probably the tannest one out of all of them. All three of them look like our dad, while I resemble my mom more. The three of them all have light blue eyes and flawless pale skin, while I have dark green eyes and more color. Somehow, we all look exactly alike though in our own ways. Each one of us resembles the other in multiple ways.
My full sister is named Nikkiy. She is the one that is seventeen years old. She looks exactly like me and she is the exact same height and size as I am, even though shes two years older than me. She goes to Stevenson High School with me and she drives us here every morning. She has long, curly, brown hair which is probably the only difference between us because I have straight black hair. Out of all my sisters, shes probably the funniest. She is probably my best friend and my favorite person to be around because she gets me so well.
My second older sister is one of my half sisters. Her name is Emily and she is the one that’s 27. Between her and my other half sister, I think I look like her the most cause we have like the same face, except she happens to be blessed with freckles. She is a cosmetologist and does my hair for me. She is probably the nicest out of the four of us. She is kind and helpful to everyone and she is extremely caring. Her and my other sister do not live with us anymore because they are married and have kids. But I’d be glad to have them back anytime.
My oldest half sister is named Liz, who is 29. I’ve probably called her Liz twice in my life though, because me and Nikkiy call her Sissy. Which now that I think about it, is kind of weird but I think of Sissy as being her first name. Liz and I do not look anything alike. She looks like Nikkiy, if any of us. She is probably the wittiest out of all of us. She is the one with the most attitude and sass if you ask me, but it’s a good thing in my opinion. She is probably at my house with her daughters more than Nikkiy is and she lives there.
I think I am the most different from my three sisters, looks-wise because, although I am extremely pale, I am probably the tannest one out of all of them. All three of them look like our dad, while I resemble my mom more. The three of them all have light blue eyes and flawless pale skin, while I have dark green eyes and more color. Somehow, we all look exactly alike though in our own ways. Each one of us resembles the other in multiple ways.
Friday, April 16, 2010
America Invading Pakistan
Being Cuba, I do not support America invading Pakistan. I believe that Pakistan would be right to fight back and to not accept the fact that America invades their country. All countries should have the right to obtain nuclear weapons, Pakistan Included. America should not be able to just invade any country they want just because they have nuclear weapons, that’s hypocritical. No country should be denied of being able to protect themselves or should have to be worried about being invaded if they have weapons.
America, in my opinion, has no right even considering invading Pakistan, at least not for the reasons that they are. Does this mean other countries can invade America because they have nuclear weapons? America should not be causing problems with other countries when they have exactly what they don’t want the other country to have. It is not only unfair, but it is unjust and hypocritical.
America, in my opinion, has no right even considering invading Pakistan, at least not for the reasons that they are. Does this mean other countries can invade America because they have nuclear weapons? America should not be causing problems with other countries when they have exactly what they don’t want the other country to have. It is not only unfair, but it is unjust and hypocritical.
Soldier X Free Write

I am reading a book called Soldier X. It is about World War Two from a German soldier’s point of view. To me, World War Two is probably the most interesting war that has happened. That most likely because it’s the one I know the most about. The book is interesting to read because I can already see the difference between the way a German man saw the war and the way American men saw it. They had different points of view on it because they were treated extremely different.
Obviously I am glad that America’s side won, but reading Soldier X makes me think that although they were very much so in the wrong with their actions, German soldiers had it very bad. They were very mistreated and had an extremely hard time. Reading this book helped me see the difference between the way soldiers from different countries are treated and what their opinions are on war. Reading this book has also shown me a lot of facts about the war and it would actually be a pretty good source of events in World War Two. I have been shown a different point of view of the war that was extremely different from what Americans usually hear about World War Two. We usually hear about what happened to our soldiers and our troops, our countries and our down falls. It’s not every day that we learn about how the Nazis felt and what they were going through.
Soldier X is a good book to read if you want to learn a lot about World War Two, Eurasia, and opposing opinions. This book is really informational but it is also extremely interesting. It tells about happy times, about sad times, it talks about battles and people. It is showing me that not just the United States of America suffered during this war. The main character is named Erik and he was a teacher in America after he was a Nazi soldier. He tells his students that he was in World War Two but he doesn’t tell them which side he was on. I find this character interesting because I wonder how he is able to keep this from his students. Even as a young boy he is interesting because he stands up for his fellow students and shows me that no matter what country you're from, a soldier is a brave, courageous man who has risked everything.
Obviously I am glad that America’s side won, but reading Soldier X makes me think that although they were very much so in the wrong with their actions, German soldiers had it very bad. They were very mistreated and had an extremely hard time. Reading this book helped me see the difference between the way soldiers from different countries are treated and what their opinions are on war. Reading this book has also shown me a lot of facts about the war and it would actually be a pretty good source of events in World War Two. I have been shown a different point of view of the war that was extremely different from what Americans usually hear about World War Two. We usually hear about what happened to our soldiers and our troops, our countries and our down falls. It’s not every day that we learn about how the Nazis felt and what they were going through.
Soldier X is a good book to read if you want to learn a lot about World War Two, Eurasia, and opposing opinions. This book is really informational but it is also extremely interesting. It tells about happy times, about sad times, it talks about battles and people. It is showing me that not just the United States of America suffered during this war. The main character is named Erik and he was a teacher in America after he was a Nazi soldier. He tells his students that he was in World War Two but he doesn’t tell them which side he was on. I find this character interesting because I wonder how he is able to keep this from his students. Even as a young boy he is interesting because he stands up for his fellow students and shows me that no matter what country you're from, a soldier is a brave, courageous man who has risked everything.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Writing Strategies Blog
My family and I were eating at Kerby’s Coney Island when I was about 7. My mom, dad, sister, and I were all sitting in a booth by the window – our usual spot. I had gotten chicken tenders and my sister got fries. Now, my sister Nikkiy loved fries, especially the crunchy ones. So being the good sister that I am, I would always give her my crunchy fries - so she didn’t think it was odd when I offered her one.
Nikkiy, being a vegetarian and despising meat – especially chicken tenders – she definitely wouldn’t have considered eating meat that day. Before I tell you the rest you should know something first; me and Nikkiy were still at that age where we liked to torture each other and just be plain mean. So, that day I thought I’d be sneaky and play a little trick on her. Finding the crunchiest fry on my plate, I ripped it open a little bit in the middle and hid a piece of chicken in it. Closing up the fry, I handed the fry to Nikkiy and told her that I thought she would like it…
Not knowing what I had done, Nikkiy put it in her mouth. Swallowing; Eating it. Well, I shouldn’t say that she fully ate it because less than a second after she began to swallow, I admitted that I put chicken in it. Bursting into tears, she quickly made herself cough it up. Laughing and teasing, I almost fell out of the booth! After about ten minutes of crying, Nikkiy finally settled down; now she was just plain mad. The laughing ceased, I realized what was to come; my parents.
My mom and dad were pretty strict when it came to my sister and I playing tricks on each other; they are usually stricter with me. Nikkiy wasn’t as sneaky and clever as I was when it came to torturing siblings. My parents began to lecture me about what I had done. I got my punishment and took it like a man; I didn’t cry like usual. I’ll admit, it was pretty mean what I did, but it was still probably the funniest moment of my life and it still makes me laugh. Nikkiy still resents me for it, but now she eats meat. Although she’s not a vegetarian anymore, she refuses to accept food from me; Nikkiy just takes it now.
Nikkiy, being a vegetarian and despising meat – especially chicken tenders – she definitely wouldn’t have considered eating meat that day. Before I tell you the rest you should know something first; me and Nikkiy were still at that age where we liked to torture each other and just be plain mean. So, that day I thought I’d be sneaky and play a little trick on her. Finding the crunchiest fry on my plate, I ripped it open a little bit in the middle and hid a piece of chicken in it. Closing up the fry, I handed the fry to Nikkiy and told her that I thought she would like it…
Not knowing what I had done, Nikkiy put it in her mouth. Swallowing; Eating it. Well, I shouldn’t say that she fully ate it because less than a second after she began to swallow, I admitted that I put chicken in it. Bursting into tears, she quickly made herself cough it up. Laughing and teasing, I almost fell out of the booth! After about ten minutes of crying, Nikkiy finally settled down; now she was just plain mad. The laughing ceased, I realized what was to come; my parents.
My mom and dad were pretty strict when it came to my sister and I playing tricks on each other; they are usually stricter with me. Nikkiy wasn’t as sneaky and clever as I was when it came to torturing siblings. My parents began to lecture me about what I had done. I got my punishment and took it like a man; I didn’t cry like usual. I’ll admit, it was pretty mean what I did, but it was still probably the funniest moment of my life and it still makes me laugh. Nikkiy still resents me for it, but now she eats meat. Although she’s not a vegetarian anymore, she refuses to accept food from me; Nikkiy just takes it now.
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